This exercise program is named after it's originator - Joseph Pilates (pronounced Pe-Lah-tees) who established this method in his exercise studio in New York City in 1923.   The exercise and the equipment used with this program are unique unto themselves.  
This exercise protocol challenges the superfit, yet is gentle enough for the pregnant. It focuses on alignment, correct breathing, and harmony between mind and body.   If performed correctly, Joseph Pilates-based exercises produces strength and flexibility and the results may include long, lean muscles with a higher degree of strength and endurance.
JOSEPH PILATES EXERCISE is based on a spring resistance system which allows the patient to flow through their full range of motion with control and precision.   The system is designed to provide multi-positional challenges to the muscular trauma, stress fracture, back pathology, and other soft tissue/ligamentous injuries.
The unique properties of this exercise program distinguish it from any other strengthening technique and we are proud to have been involved in bringing this exciting and advanced exercise program to the residents of the Reno area.  
The best way to learn about this program is to try it!   Ask for the opportunity to "try it out."
Back pain is one of the most common problems affecting the American population - especially our work force.   It is the second leading cause of employee absenteeism, ranking just behind the common cold.   It has been reported that sometime in our life 80% of us will suffer from this problem.
In most cases, the vast majority of back problems are classified as "self-imposed" --- the result of long-term bad habit patterns that induce restricted flexibility and weakness in the musculature culminating eventually in an acute attack of back pain.
Fortunately, these attacks can usually be prevented or relieved by working through exercise to restore the strength and flexibility of the abdominal and pelvic musculature.   The of exercise program is called "BACK STABILIZATION" and this program is available at TOTAL HEALTH Physical Therapy.
The program consists of a complete back evaluation by one of our experienced and skilled physical therapists who will then design a custom back stabilization program to fit your needs.   The program will consist of education and exercises which will help:
- Restore and/or increase the range-of-motion (flexibility) of a patient's back, hips and lower extremities.
- Educate the patient regarding proper body mechanics and body posture to reduce the potential for low back injury or re-injury.
- Restore muscular tone, control and strenght to those muscles of the stomach, back, hips and thighs.
Don't just ignore your back pain - do something proactive about it.   Regardless of the cause, if you are willing to work at it, this program really works - our patient's success rate is outstanding!